Sunday, May 8, 2011

CALI.I.I.fornia: Home Sweet Home!

     California is one of the largest states in the United States, but it is by far the most popular one. From its beautiful ocean coasts, flat central valley, to its scenic mountains there is so much that the state has to offer. It has plenty of water supply from its many irrigation systems that is provided from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and many different types of agriculture that provides its state and many of states with fruits, vegetables, poultry, and dairy. Not only does California provide a great deal of natural sources it is well known as the United States largest tourist attraction compared to any other state. Many other countries and even other states in the United States see California as the perfect, "American Dream." Lots of money, mansions, expensive cars, corporate jobs, and the ability to do whatever they want. Often television shows that have any of these qualities in them people assume that it is taking place in California.

     One not so positive aspect of California is its large devastating earthquakes. There are more earthquakes in this state then in any other part of the United States. Although earthquakes and destroy homes and leave cities with a lot of damage, California would not have its diverse topography it was not for the fault line plates bending and breaking to create its diverse mountain ranges like the Sierra Nevada’s. The Sierra Nevada's where the Sequoias are located are one of the largest sources of water for the state and also one of the state’s largest tourist attractions, especially known for its large redwood trees that cannot be found anywhere else but in the Western United States.
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