Sunday, May 8, 2011

Southwest Border Indians and Invaders

The Southwest boarder along California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas where taken over by European Anglo Americans began taking over these areas in the 1700’s. Many Native American’s lived in these areas years and years before them and were not happy about their land being taken over. These natives stayed in areas along the United States-Mexican border to stay away from these European invaders. Indian reservations were created in these areas so that the tribes could have places to live without being killed or dying from diseases that the Europeans brought. The Spanish came and took over these Native American areas just like they did in the Sierra Nevada’s. They too came to look for rich prosperous land and gold, but were not able to find either of these things. Over time the Spaniards along with the European Anglo American’s pushed the Native American’s aside and onto reservations. This was different then the Sequoia’s where the Spaniards killed the locals and spread their diseases to the locals which caused many tribes to go extinct.  
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