Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Empty Interior

     The Empty Interior of the United States has many similar attributes of the Sierra Nevada’s, where Sequoia is located. This area which runs from Canada all the way to Mexico is where the famous Rocky Mountain range is located. The Rocky Mountain National Park is also one of the United States beautiful tourist attractions. Many people come to see the talk jagged mountains and the wild animals that are often seen. Like the Sequoia’s where bears, dear, marmots, and many other species are located tourist love to see wildlife. These National Parks are both controlled by local governments so that they cannot be built on and destroyed by manufacturing plants and housing. These parks are protected so that these beautiful wonders can always be enjoyed, but above all these areas have some of the largest diversity of wildlife in the country.
     The Rocky Mountains have many drastic elevations from plunging slopes to sharp summits many in which are covered in Pleistocene ice and snow. The Sierra Nevada’s similar mountain areas had glaciers develop during cold and wet weather periods. Today it does not have nearly the amount of glaciers that it use to, but small amounts of them are still there. Much of the reason they are gone is due to global warming, which leaves them as the southernmost glaciers in North America. Over time these glaciers formed the parks valleys, waterfalls, peaks, and glacial canyons.
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