Sunday, March 20, 2011

Manufacturing and Industry

Sequoia is not known as any type of manufacturing core however the Sierra Nevada mountain range in which they are located in were formed in granitic rock. This granite was formed through a process of subduction where molten rock cooled under the surface and boiling water from the ocean came up through its surface and melted it. Sections of the park due to this process have metamorphic rocks such as quartz, schist, and marble. Marble rocks can be found in many of over 200 caves located within the park.
The park is able to maintain open because of the money it collects from visitors due to its travel and entertainment industry. One of the largest forms of entertainment within the park is the stunningly beautiful Crystal Caves. This cave which has been open to the public eye since 1941 not only brings in much of the parks revenue, but it does so by allowing visitors to see some of these beautiful metamorphic rocks that are so georgics. It has guided walk through tours which allows visitors to see marble formations, large coliseum like rooms filled with quartz, and many other interesting sites. For those a little more daring, they have spelunking tours which allow you to crawl through more areas of the cave to get a more daring experience.

Here is the link to Crystal Cave if you would like more information:

Sierra Nevada formation information:

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