Sunday, March 20, 2011

The South: Population and People

The South was known for its very low population density due to its larger farming regions. Up until the 1900’s The South’s farm lands also known as plantation were ran by mostly African American slaves who had been brought over from Africa to do large amounts of hard physical labor. Similar to the south the Sequoia’s has very low population density. Sequoia although not known for farming is spread out over many acres with less than 100 people who live there permanently, mostly to maintain the parks trails and make sure nothing is being destroyed. In these high mountain areas there were never slaves because there were never much farming at all. Similar to the South’s removal of Native American’s in the 1830’s, the Spaniards worked their way into the Sierra Nevada’s killing off many Indian tribe members. Along with slaver in The South came much racism and segregation of blacks and other mixed races from the dominant white race. This was never a large issue in the Sequoia area, in fact as of today the park sees about 1 million visitors from around the world. Any sense of discrimination, if it does exist does not show. On my annual family trips to the mountain I have met many different people from China, Japan, Russia, Texas, New York, Europe, all of which different races and, all of which come together to view the beautiful Sequoia National Park.


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