Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Physical Environment

The park is located in the physiographic region of known as Pacific Mountains and Valleys which ranges from Alaska down through Canada, Washington, and Oregon to the Southern point of California. The Sierra Nevada mountain range that the park is located on top of a fault block. Due to this much of the park had different sized valleys and mountains. At the lower elevation of the park are the foothills where temperatures range from about 35F-58F depending on the time of year. The weather would be considered subtropical with moist winders and dry summers. These lower areas receive about 26 inches a year. It is composed of chaparral and oak woodlands. At the higher elevations where the forest gets more dense the temperatures on average range from 24F-44F. The precipitation in these higher areas is much larger, with about 40-45 inches of rain yearly. During the winter season much of the upper area is covered in snow, but in the summer it is usually perfect temperature and the ideal time to come camping with family and friends, with warmer days and cooler nights.

My friends and I sitting by our camp fire enjoying a perfect cool summer night.

Information gathered from personal knowledge and

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