Saturday, March 19, 2011


A megalopolis is a series of many metropolitan close to each other. It describes the sort of over urbanization that happens in large city areas. Relating Sequoia National Park to megalopolis is very hard because it is far from it. With a year-around population of about 104 and only 211 housing units in a park that spans over 620 square miles this mountain area is not even close to a Megalopolis.

Sequoia is located in the beautiful state of California which, in its self has many large Megalopolis areas: Las Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Fresno, San Diego, etc. Many of these cities if not all of them are well known (unlike Sequoia) because they are so large. Most of them are known for their population densities, along with their large amounts of industry, manufacturing, and construction. These areas are controlled by large amounts of government workers: fireman, policeman, senators, governors, etc, and the living class ranges from extreme amounts of poverty to high class millionaires. There is hard to find a relation between Sequoia and these large Urban areas because the highest amount of population in this national park are the red wood trees that make up its natural wonders.

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